Sanctuary Kitchen

Sanctuary Kitchen (SK) advances diversity and social equity through increased economic opportunity and professional development for refugee and immigrant chefs and food entrepreneurs.


To Advance Diversity and Social Equity through food. 

Sanctuary Kitchen partners with immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers who have experience with or an interest in culinary arts. Their work encompasses community-based culinary programming led by refugee/immigrant chefs and a social enterprise that offers professional culinary development and stable employment at a living wage. Currently, Sanctuary Kitchen has 43 chefs from 13 countries, all of whom are women, and for most of them, it is their first formal work experience in the US. Through their training program, the organization has directly contributed over $600,000 to the pockets of primarily women refugee and immigrant chefs, ensuring they can provide for their families’ basic needs, health, and safety.


  1. CULINARY TRAINING PROGRAM: SK welcomes refugee and immigrant chefs to contact them about joining their Culinary Training Program. If you or someone you know is interested in sharing culinary traditions and becoming a chef in Sanctuary Kitchen’s training program, please submit an application. Applications will be considered between October and December. Their cohort begins in February. You can apply here.

  2. CATERING & FARMERS MARKETS: Sanctuary Kitchen operates a social enterprise food business, selling food and offering catering services. You can find their products at CitySeed Farmers Markets. Purchasing from them directly supports the culinary training program and chef wages, making a positive impact in the community.

  3. VOLUNTEER/INTERPRET: Sanctuary Kitchen seeks fluent interpreters in Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Dari, French, Spanish, or Swahili for refugee communication at events. SK is also in search of volunteers to work closely with the team, assisting in kitchen tasks, food preparation, farmers market sales, and transportation. To join, complete the volunteer form and contact the Volunteer Coordinator. This role is a crucial role for team success. Apply to be a volunteer or an interpreter.

  4. COOKING CLASSES: SK offers an authentic, hands-on cultural experience to learn how to cook delicious traditional dishes from all corners of the world! After the lesson, sit down to enjoy the meal you helped create and participate in a facilitated discussion to learn more about the chef’s cuisine, culture and resettlement experiences. 

$.50 per bowl of ramen sold during the month of August will be donated directly towards helping improve the lives of the people in Vietnam. Additionally, Pho Vietnam will be donating $0.50 per bowl and Mariposa Taqueria will be donating $0.25 per taco for the month of August.

To learn more, please visit,

*You are donating directly to Sanctuary Kitchen. Eat Justice receives 0% of the proceeds.


MurphsLife Foundation


Sunflower Mission